Atrévete a Soñar…

Para muchos de nosotros, los últimos años (quizás los últimos dos con más intensidad) han sido una serie de subibajas emocionales que nos tenían como si estuviéramos montados en una montaña rusa. Hemos afrontado nuestros miedos, nuestras inseguridades y ansiedades. Hemos tenido que salir de nuestras zonas de confort, de nuestro caparazón emocional y hemos tenido que hacer frente y poner en práctica muchas de las verdades, enseñanzas y teorías que decíamos apoyar o creer, sobre todo en materia de crecimiento personal y concepción de la realidad. ¡Qué bendición al menos tener una bolsa de herramientas en donde buscar!

Muchos de estos procesos están culminando, obviamente creando espacio para que otros más vengan y podamos seguir creciendo. Sin duda alguna, algunas de las grandes lecciones que han quedado claras (y que nuestra terquedad se habrá encargado de entregar de forma más o menos “amable”), es reconocer que la clave yacía en SOLTAR, en confiar en el corazón y dejar que todo ese conocimiento intelectual se anidara precisamente ahí, y no en la cabeza. Estamos en una época donde buscar la coherencia entre lo que pensamos y lo que hacemos, y la transparencia en nuestras emociones, son dos de los motores que harán que los procesos que vengan sean cada vez más enriquecedores y ennoblecedores. De lo contrario, seguiremos dándonos de topes con la pared.

Uno de los grandes obstáculos que enfrentaremos es el desánimo. Habrá momentos en los que queramos tirar la toalla, o simplemente desear que un ovni venga para llevarnos a otro planeta. Hay una ley en el universo que dice que a mayor luz, mayor oscuridad. Cada vez que queramos ver más luz en nosotros mismos, tendremos que estar dispuestos a tocar más oscuridad. A menos de que ya estés iluminado(a), todos somos una mezcla de blanco y negro, somos grises. Tratar de ser perfecto todo el tiempo o enterrar las emociones negativas que no queremos hacer conscientes, sólo resulta en más frustración, o en última instancia en una enfermedad. El clavado al inconsciente para vivir en conciencia y liberar esas emociones estancadas es imperante. Hay pruebas que serán fáciles de sortear, otras que quizás requieran más de esta vida para terminarlas, pero de una cosa podemos asegurarnos: de soltar las expectativas egocéntricas del cómo y cuándo, y trabajando en el por qué. Hacer nuestro mejor esfuerzo diario por ser mejor personas y concentrarnos en lo que nos atañe en el momento presente. O como sabiamente dicen en AA: “Sólo por hoy”.

Contra este desánimo dos herramientas poderosas que tenemos son la gratitud y la confianza en somos nosotros los que creamos nuestra propia realidad. Cambiemos las quejas habituales por un constante estado de asombro y agradecimiento por todas las bendiciones que tenemos en la vida, que por mucho superan las adversidades. Confiemos que somos nosotros los que tenemos el timón del barco, que podemos diseñar nuestra realidad en la que queremos vivir, y como dijo Mahatma Gandhi: “conviértete en el cambio que quieres ver en el mundo”. La verdadera fe sólida se va consolidando como una pared, y cada ladrillo se cimienta con la certeza de que al cambiar nosotros, cambia la realidad en la que vivimos. Seguramente ya tienes un par de ladrillos bien puestos.

En este nuevo orden en el que mundo empieza a vibrar cada vez de forma más evidente, la alineación y la coherencia con el AMOR (que por más cursi que se oiga es la fuerza más poderosa que existe), es el motor que nos impulsará a confiar en que esta transparencia hará que los procesos vengan de forma más rápida y armónica. Atrévete a soñar en este principio de año en el contenido que quieres que este 2019 tenga. Visualiza lo que quieres, continúa acumulando herramientas para que lo que hagas y a lo que te dediques deje una huella positiva en tu vida, en la vida de los que te rodean y de todas las especies con las que compartimos este hermoso planeta, que tanto nos da y que tanto necesita de nuestro amor y cuidado. Así, empezaremos a cultivar la paz y la armonía que tanto añora nuestro corazón.


Rafael Cervantes, enero 2019

Sharing is caring!


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    PureVPN will not log relationship facts. The company joined the “no log”
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    You can conveniently produce XML Sitemap Index data.

    To add an XML Sitemap to your site, go to the Google Look Console
    and add an URL to your sitemap.

    A sitemap needs to contain a listing of Links. The URLs must be in the correct order.
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    It needs to remain in UTF-8 encoding. If you have
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    XML Sitemap Index data are files that checklist all the
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    To add an XML Sitemap to your website, go to the Google Browse Console as well as include an URL to your sitemap.
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    Politechnika Częstochowska

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    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
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    NIP: 573-011-14-01

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  • pcz dice:

    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
    42-201 Częstochowa
    NIP: 573-011-14-01

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    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w systemie ePUAP:

  • pcz dice:

    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
    42-201 Częstochowa
    NIP: 573-011-14-01

    bip.svgBiuletyn Informacji Publicznej

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    logo ePUAP

    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w
    systemie ePUAP: /PolitechnikaCzestochowska/SkrytkaESP

  • pcz dice:

    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
    42-201 Częstochowa
    NIP: 573-011-14-01

    bip.svgBiuletyn Informacji Publicznej

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    logo ePUAP

    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w systemie ePUAP:

  • xml sitemap dice:

    Producing an XML Sitemap Index is a wonderful method to bring in search
    engine traffic as well as boost your position. For ideal outcomes, the XML sitemap ought to be structured
    as a tree. For even more details, see an example XML Sitemap.

    XML Sitemap Index documents have specific formatting rules.
    Using this approach, the XML Sitemap Index will certainly be visible on search engines.

    XML Sitemaps are free as well as very easy to produce.

    It is likewise essential to remember that all Links
    in an XML Sitemap must be from the exact same host.

    You can easily develop XML Sitemap Index files. To add an XML Sitemap to your website, most likely to the Google
    Browse Console as well as add an URL to your sitemap. Inspect the
    number of Links indexed by Google. If there is a
    big gap between submitted and indexed numbers, your sitemap may have an error.
    You might require to include more web links to your sitemap to get it

    A sitemap must include a listing of URLs.
    The Links ought to remain in the appropriate order. There must be
    no replicate URLs in an XML Sitemap. It must remain in UTF-8 encoding.
    If you have even more than fifty thousand Links, damage
    them up into smaller XML maps. The XML Sitemap Index must have the
    URLs of all mapped URLs. The Links ought to be brief.

    Utilizing the XML Sitemap Index, you ought to have
    even more than one sitemap. You can additionally use
    a cost-free XML sitemap generator to create a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index must be a file detailing all of the URLs on your website.
    The XML Sitemap Index ought to comply with the same XML requirement as the equivalent websites.
    The XML Sitemap index need to be labelled with a/ sitemapindex >

    To include an XML Sitemap to your internet site, go to the Google Search Console
    and include an URL to your sitemap. The XML Sitemap Index ought to have the Links of all mapped Links.
    Using the XML Sitemap Index, you ought to have even more than one
    sitemap. You can also use a complimentary XML sitemap generator to generate a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index must adhere to the same XML criterion as the equivalent sites.

  • register dice:

    If you have a great deal of expertise, then it would certainly be practical to visit an internet site that
    shows different intriguing realities about internet sites.
    You’ll be impressed by the reality that you can find out numerous features of the world around you.
    Despite whether you’re a trainee or an adult, you can discover a lot about the globe by going
    to fascinating sites. Right here are a few of my faves.
    You may likewise locate these websites interesting, and
    also you could also locate a couple of new ones.

    You’ll additionally be pleased to discover that there are regional versions of these websites,
    so you’ll be able to locate them no issue where you’re situated.

    When you have actually located a few terrific ones, you can see them
    all and also find out concerning brand-new things.

    Another great internet site is Meriemarie, which displays a gigantic sheet of bubble cover.

    It’s an awesome website, you’ll require to be prepared to wait for the bubbles to finish.

    Among one of the most preferred as well as enjoyable internet sites on the internet today, is a great example of an intriguing site.
    It combines content from a variety of subjects and also teaches site
    visitors how different points work. A video is the most prominent format for this site, as well as
    it’s also a fantastic source for learning more about the history of a topic.

    The comics are updated day-to-day as well as they’re worth enjoying!
    If you wish to learn more regarding the globe around us,
    this is a great site to check out!

    If you’re seeking a website that instructs you something,
    attempt Just how Stuff Functions. This site features a wide array of
    videos and also illustrations on various topics.
    The site is especially helpful if you’re a trainee or an adult,
    as it’s complimentary and also provides great deals of helpful information for trainees.

    These sites are fun for any ages, however teenagers might discover
    it a lot more engaging. Make certain to share the links with your pals and also family!

    Oddee’s distinct web content is best for pupils. The
    site features a broad selection of subjects, consisting of background as well as prominent society.

    There’s a great deal to learn on this internet site, so make certain to
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    When you’re trying to find a fantastic website, see to
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    If you have a whole lot of knowledge, then it would be
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    No matter of whether you’re a trainee or an adult, you can find out a whole lot concerning the globe by
    checking out intriguing sites. Among the most prominent as well
    as fun web sites on-line today, is a fantastic instance of an intriguing website.
    There’s a lot to find out on this internet site, so be certain to bookmark it and
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  • xml sitemap dice:

    Producing an XML Sitemap Index is a fantastic method to attract search engine traffic and also boost your ranking.
    For ideal results, the XML sitemap must be structured
    as a tree. For more information, see an example XML Sitemap.

    XML Sitemap Index files have particular formatting regulations.
    Utilizing this approach, the XML Sitemap Index will be
    visible on search engines.

    XML Sitemaps are free and also very easy
    to create. It is additionally essential to remember that all Links in an XML Sitemap ought
    to be from the exact same host.

    You can quickly create XML Sitemap Index documents. To include an XML Sitemap to your website,
    go to the Google Look Console and add an URL to your sitemap.
    Examine the number of URLs indexed by Google.
    If there is a big void in between sent as well as indexed numbers, your sitemap may have an error.
    You may require to add even more web links to your sitemap
    to obtain it indexed.

    A sitemap has to include a list of URLs. The Links need to be in the
    right order. There must be no duplicate URLs in an XML
    Sitemap. It must remain in UTF-8 encoding. If you have greater than fifty thousand URLs,
    damage them up into smaller sized XML maps. The
    XML Sitemap Index need to consist of the Links of all mapped URLs.

    The URLs should be brief.

    Making Use Of the XML Sitemap Index, you should have even more than one sitemap.
    You can likewise utilize a free XML sitemap generator to create a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index need to be a data noting every one of
    the URLs on your website. It must not include more than 50MB.
    It can be pressed to avoid high data dimension. The XML Sitemap Index
    should follow the exact same XML criterion as the corresponding sites.
    The XML Sitemap index must be labelled with a/ sitemapindex > extension. A
    noindex attribute is a tag that specifies whether an URL
    ought to appear in a search.

    To add an XML Sitemap to your internet site, go to the Google Look Console as
    well as include a Link to your sitemap. The XML Sitemap Index need to include the Links of all
    mapped Links. Utilizing the XML Sitemap Index, you ought
    to have even more than one sitemap. You can likewise utilize a free XML sitemap generator to generate a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index ought to comply with the very same XML criterion as the equivalent websites.

  • xml sitemap dice:

    Creating an XML Sitemap Index is a great means to bring in search engine traffic and improve your position. For finest results, the XML sitemap ought to be structured as a tree.
    For even more details, see an example XML Sitemap.

    XML Sitemap Index documents have particular formatting regulations.
    Using this technique, the XML Sitemap Index will certainly be visible on search

    XML Sitemaps are totally free and also easy to develop.
    It is likewise essential to keep in mind that all Links in an XML Sitemap must be from the very same host.

    You can easily create XML Sitemap Index files. To add an XML Sitemap
    to your web site, most likely to the Google Browse
    Console as well as include a link to your sitemap.
    Inspect the number of Links indexed by Google. If there is a large gap in between sent as well
    as indexed numbers, your sitemap might have an error.
    You might need to include more web links to your sitemap to get it indexed.

    A sitemap needs to consist of a checklist of Links.
    There need to be no replicate URLs in an XML Sitemap. The XML Sitemap Index need to have the URLs of all mapped

    XML Sitemap Index data are documents that listing all the URLs on your
    site. The Links must be a minimum of 50k as well as must remain in UTF-8 encoding.
    Using the XML Sitemap Index, you need to have greater than one sitemap.
    The XML Sitemap Index should be upgraded regularly to make certain that all Links are detailed.

    You can additionally make use of a complimentary XML sitemap generator to generate a

    The XML Sitemap Index ought to be a documents providing all of the Links on your website.
    The XML Sitemap Index need to follow the same XML criterion as the equivalent websites.
    The XML Sitemap index must be tagged with a/ sitemapindex
    > extension.

    To add an XML Sitemap to your web site, go to the Google Look Console and include
    a Link to your sitemap. The XML Sitemap Index must consist of
    the Links of all mapped URLs. Making Use
    Of the XML Sitemap Index, you need to have more than one sitemap.

    You can likewise utilize a complimentary XML sitemap generator to produce a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index need to comply with the exact same XML requirement as the
    matching websites.

  • register dice:

    If you have a great deal of knowledge, then it would certainly be useful to visit an internet
    site that reveals different intriguing realities concerning
    internet sites. You’ll be impressed by the fact that you can find out a lot of features of the globe around you.
    Despite whether you’re a trainee or a grown-up, you can learn a great deal
    concerning the globe by going to intriguing sites.
    Below are a few of my faves. You may likewise locate these sites interesting, as well as
    you may even find a few new ones.

    You’ll also be pleased to discover that there are neighborhood variations of these sites, so you’ll be able to
    find them no issue where you’re located. When you have actually discovered a couple of terrific ones,
    you can see them all as well as discover about brand-new things.

    One more cool website is Meriemarie, which shows a large sheet of bubble cover.
    It’s a cool site, you’ll require to be prepared to wait
    for the bubbles to finish.

    Among the most popular and fun sites online today, is a terrific instance of an interesting site.
    If you desire to learn even more concerning the
    world around us, this is a terrific website to visit!

    If you’re searching for a site that shows you something, try Just how Things Works.
    This site features a wide range of video clips and also images on numerous topics.
    The web site is particularly helpful if you’re a pupil or
    a grown-up, as it’s free and offers great deals of helpful information for
    trainees. These web sites are enjoyable for all ages, however teenagers might locate it much more engaging.
    So, ensure to share the relate to your pals and family members!

    The site features a broad selection of topics, consisting
    of history and also prominent culture. There’s a whole lot
    to learn on this site, so be certain to bookmark it as well as inspect back
    typically. When you’re looking for an excellent site, make sure to search
    these 50 interesting sites regularly!

    If you have a lot of understanding, after that it would be valuable to check out an internet site that reveals different
    intriguing truths about internet sites. No matter of whether you’re a trainee or an adult, you can find out a whole lot about the globe by visiting interesting websites.
    Among the most prominent and also fun web sites online today, is a wonderful example of an interesting website.
    There’s a whole lot to learn on this site, so
    be certain to bookmark it as well as examine back frequently.
    When you’re looking for an excellent website, make sure to surf these 50 fascinating websites

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  • login dice:

    If you have a whole lot of understanding, then it would certainly be valuable
    to see a site that reveals various fascinating truths regarding sites.

    No matter of whether you’re a student or an adult, you can find out
    a great deal regarding the globe by checking out interesting web

    You’ll also be pleased to find out that there are regional variations of these websites, so you’ll
    be able to discover them no matter where you’re situated.
    Once you have actually found a few terrific ones, you can visit
    them all and find out regarding brand-new points.

    One more awesome internet site is Meriemarie, which displays a giant sheet of bubble wrap.
    It’s indicated for home entertainment, yet it’s not a great way to soothe stress and anxiety.
    Although it’s an amazing website, you’ll need to
    be prepared to wait on the bubbles to finish. But if you’re trying to find funny,
    this is a great selection. The funny videos, illustrations, and
    podcasts will keep you entertained for hours.

    Among the most prominent as well as fun sites online today, is a wonderful example
    of an interesting site. If you want to learn even more concerning the world around us, this is a
    fantastic site to see!

    The website is especially helpful if you’re a pupil or a grown-up,
    as it’s free and also supplies whole lots of beneficial info for trainees.

    These sites are enjoyable for all ages, but teenagers might find it a lot more compelling.

    The site features a large selection of subjects, consisting
    of history as well as popular society. There’s a
    great deal to find out on this web site, so be certain to bookmark it as
    well as inspect back usually. When you’re looking for a wonderful
    site, make certain to browse these 50 fascinating web sites consistently!

    If you have a great deal of expertise, after that it would certainly be practical to go
    to a site that reveals various intriguing realities regarding websites.
    Regardless of whether you’re a pupil or an adult, you can find out a lot about the world by
    going to intriguing websites. Amongst the most prominent
    and fun web sites on the internet today, is a terrific instance
    of an intriguing internet site. There’s a lot to learn on this site, so be certain to bookmark it as well as examine back typically.
    When you’re looking for a terrific website, make sure to surf these 50
    fascinating web sites frequently!

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  • xml sitemap dice:

    Producing an XML Sitemap Index is a great method to
    draw in search engine traffic and also enhance your position.
    For best results, the XML sitemap must be structured as a tree.
    For even more information, see an example XML Sitemap.

    XML Sitemap Index data have specific formatting guidelines.
    They have to remain in a text data with an optimum size of 50MB and
    also need to have no header or footer info. The file can be pressed with
    gzip, which will certainly reduce transmission capacity. Using this technique,
    the XML Sitemap Index will certainly show up on internet search engine.
    When you develop an indexed data, ensure to include the xhtml: web link
    tag and also the origin directory.

    XML Sitemaps are free-and-easy to create. All that is required is a message data, which
    need to have a name, a title, and a description. It needs to have no headers or footers and also must be in UTF-8 encoding.

    It should be a solitary web page as well as has to be in the
    origin directory of your site. It is additionally vital to bear in mind that all Links
    in an XML Sitemap need to be from the very same host.

    You can conveniently produce XML Sitemap Index files. To include an XML Sitemap
    to your internet site, most likely to the
    Google Browse Console and include an URL to your sitemap.
    After that, check the number of Links indexed
    by Google. If there is a huge gap between submitted and
    indexed numbers, your sitemap might have a mistake.

    You might need to add more web links to your sitemap to obtain it

    A sitemap has to contain a checklist of URLs. There must
    be no replicate URLs in an XML Sitemap. The XML Sitemap
    Index must include the URLs of all mapped Links.

    XML Sitemap Index data are documents that listing all the URLs
    on your web site. The Links ought to be a minimum of 50k
    as well as must remain in UTF-8 encoding. Using the
    XML Sitemap Index, you should have more than one sitemap.
    The XML Sitemap Index need to be upgraded
    on a regular basis to make certain that all Links are provided.
    You can additionally make use of a free XML sitemap generator to create
    a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index must be a data listing all of the URLs on your
    website. It needs to not consist of more than 50MB.

    It can be pressed to stay clear of high file size. The XML Sitemap Index must
    adhere to the exact same XML requirement as the
    equivalent sites. The XML Sitemap index must be tagged with a/ sitemapindex > expansion. A noindex attribute is a tag that specifies whether an URL
    ought to appear in a search.

    To add an XML Sitemap to your internet site, go to the Google Look Console
    and also include an URL to your sitemap. The XML Sitemap Index
    should have the URLs of all mapped URLs. Using the XML Sitemap Index, you should have more than one sitemap.

    You can additionally use a totally free XML sitemap generator to produce a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index should adhere to the very same XML standard
    as the corresponding websites.

  • xml sitemap dice:

    Developing an XML Sitemap Index is a wonderful means to attract search engine web traffic and enhance your
    ranking. For ideal results, the XML sitemap should be structured
    as a tree. For more information, see an example XML Sitemap.

    XML Sitemap Index data have specific formatting rules. They
    have to remain in a text file with an optimum dimension of 50MB as well as
    should have no header or footer info. The
    data can be compressed with gzip, which will certainly lower transmission capacity.
    Utilizing this method, the XML Sitemap Index will certainly show up on internet search
    engine. When you produce an indexed file, see
    to it to include the xhtml: link tag and the root directory site.

    XML Sitemaps are totally free as well as simple to create.
    All that is needed is a message data, which need to have a name, a title,
    and a summary. It should have no headers or footers and also need to be in UTF-8 encoding.
    It needs to be a single page as well as must remain in the origin directory site of
    your website. It is likewise crucial to keep in mind
    that all URLs in an XML Sitemap must be from the same host.

    You can conveniently produce XML Sitemap Index data.
    To include an XML Sitemap to your internet site, go to the Google Search Console and also add an URL to your sitemap.

    A sitemap should have a listing of Links. The URLs should remain in the appropriate order.
    There should be no replicate Links in an XML Sitemap.
    It must remain in UTF-8 encoding. If you have greater than fifty thousand URLs,
    damage them up right into smaller XML maps. The XML Sitemap Index ought to
    contain the URLs of all mapped URLs. The URLs should be short.

    XML Sitemap Index data are documents that
    checklist all the Links on your website.
    The Links must be a minimum of 50k and must be
    in UTF-8 encoding. Using the XML Sitemap Index, you should have greater than one sitemap.
    The XML Sitemap Index need to be updated routinely to ensure that all Links are detailed.
    You can additionally utilize a cost-free XML sitemap generator to generate a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index must be a data detailing all
    of the URLs on your website. It must not have greater than 50MB.
    It can be compressed to prevent high file size. The XML Sitemap Index must follow
    the exact same XML standard as the corresponding sites.

    The XML Sitemap index ought to be labelled with a/ sitemapindex > expansion.
    A noindex feature is a tag that specifies whether a link should show
    up in a search.

    To add an XML Sitemap to your website, go to the Google
    Look Console and also include a Link to your sitemap.
    The XML Sitemap Index need to have the URLs of all mapped Links.

    Using the XML Sitemap Index, you must have even more than one sitemap.
    You can likewise make use of a totally free XML sitemap generator to create a sitemap.

    The XML Sitemap Index must follow the very same XML standard as the matching sites.

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    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
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    logo ePUAP

    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w systemie ePUAP: /PolitechnikaCzestochowska/SkrytkaESP

  • pcz dice:

    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
    42-201 Częstochowa
    NIP: 573-011-14-01

    bip.svgBiuletyn Informacji Publicznej

    Zamówienia Publiczne

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    Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska

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    logo ePUAP

    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w
    systemie ePUAP: /PolitechnikaCzestochowska/SkrytkaESP

  • pcz dice:

    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
    42-201 Częstochowa
    NIP: 573-011-14-01

    bip.svgBiuletyn Informacji Publicznej

    Zamówienia Publiczne

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    Wydział Budownictwa

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    Wydział Inżynierii Produkcji i Technologii Materiałów

    Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska

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    logo ePUAP

    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w
    systemie ePUAP: /PolitechnikaCzestochowska/SkrytkaESP

  • pcz dice:

    Politechnika Częstochowska

    ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 69
    42-201 Częstochowa
    NIP: 573-011-14-01

    bip.svgBiuletyn Informacji Publicznej

    Zamówienia Publiczne

    Informacje o cookies

    Deklaracja dostępności

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    Wydział Budownictwa

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    Wydział Inżynierii Produkcji i Technologii Materiałów

    Wydział Infrastruktury i Środowiska

    Wydział Zarządzania

    logo ePUAP

    Adres skrytki podawczej Politechniki Częstochowskiej w systemie ePUAP: /PolitechnikaCzestochowska/SkrytkaESP

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    Development of game

    Football appeared several centuries BC. Games with a ball were popular among inhabitants of different countries.
    They were used in:
    • Ancient China;
    • Sparta;
    • on the Apennines.
    Inhabitants of Italy developed sport. In the 16th century they created the game “Calcio”.
    With the development of trade relations, it came to England.
    Love in discipline formed instantly. By Level of Interest “Calcio” beaten cricket.

    Severe discipline

    Popularity among viewers appeared naturally. Game impressed with its
    dynamism. Battles on the field were serious. This permitted norms
    of football:
    1. 2 teams.
    2. 25 people each.
    3. 15 forwards.
    4. Permission to fight.
    English created their norms. At first game didn’t
    unify. In some places allowed to throw projectile with hands, in others
    The first attempt to unification occurred in 1846.
    Conditions wanted momentary response. players from different colleges entered the field on the field during the
    competition. Each player acted in accordance with acceptednorms.
    Outcome did not inspire positive development of events.
    However, athletes were fix a single set of rules.
    Starting unification turned out positive. Participation viewers intensified.
    As a result in Great Britain there was the first specialized club.
    Team renamed “Sheffield”. It happened in 1857.

    In 1863 formed The Football Association of England. It quickly created a single code of norms of football.

    Phased improvement

    Gradually discipline improved. Created conditions for the
    stadium. Standardized dimensions of the gate.
    Important year became 1871. Then originated the FA Cup.
    Championship – oldest in the class.
    1891 – time appearances in discipline penalty. However,
    from current this strike different. Now take penalties from fixed spot.

    Earlier penetration was done from the line.
    Game improved. Love grew. According to the results in the
    1880s, the number of teams passed over a hundred.
    Among the public began arise speculations. Some athletes felt that
    certain teams pay members incentives. At that time sports could be only amateur.
    As a result norms changed. They introduced a clause prohibiting athletes to receive remuneration.
    Began wave slander. Lineups wrote accusations against each
    other. Some clubs left the league. Later requirement postponed.

    International development

    Growth of trade increased penetration of discipline to Europe.

    As a result game started regulated at the international level.
    FIFA appeared in beginning of the last century. At
    the start organization consisted of 7 countries.

    Unified norms clothing did not exist. Football Players required to
    • headdress;
    • shoes;
    • long stockings;
    • pants.

    Normal established later. For the first time athletes played without numbers.
    They arose only in 1939.
    Starting international championship took place at the beginning of the last century.

    Discipline added to the Olympic Games. Participated total England, France, Belgium.

    Football flourished in the middle of the
    last century. In the world started playing high class stars.

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